The odds are high that depression will creep into your emotional state when you feel powerless in your relationship.

financial status can result to powerless in relationship and other problems
could be responsible though. Depression cause a feeling of self locked. It can also
cause unusual or negative thoughts about yourself and those around you.
if you feel down-casted, sudden mood swings, frequent negative thought pattern it could be caused by your relationship and
requires you check properly and see if it’s actually it.
signs are not the end of the road, they are to help you check and fix your relationship
to help prevent it from, hitting the rock.
that anyone could experience depression in their relationship.
are 10 signs of depression that might be caused by your relationship
1. Always given orders by your significant other.
attitudes are intimidating and could be nerve-cracking. Even a gentle order
like “Go get the keys for me, sweetie,” might trigger either anger, despair or
depression in the receiver because no one likes being ordered around. It’s best
to ask politely than give a command with a touch of plea.
You feel dominated or less useful.
smaller or less powerful than the person you are having a conversation with
could lead to depression.
your partner makes you feel far lesser in the relationship, it could be a
serious red flag you don’t want to overlook. In love relationships between
two adults, shared power is healthier.
that not all power differences create depression.
3. Intentional
control by your significant other.
reference to (1) and (2) above, when your partner tries to control everything
about you, what to do with your time, finances, type of friends you should keep
and give specific instructions on how much you can visit your family without
due consultations could result to feelings of depression / relationship anxiety.
your partner gives orders in the relationship, they ultimately take away your power
to make personal decisions or choices.
obviously don’t want your opinion on any matter and with this attitude, depression
can be imminent.
4. When
you feel criticized by your partner.
reference to (3), in controlling someone intentionally, one of the mechanisms
used is negative criticism instead of feedback which is used in a healthy
are used to weaken your spirit, makes you feel terrible about an action taken. While
feedback let you know in a more polite and gentle way that your action could
have a negative impact someway.
5. Depressed
is like flu. It is very infectious. It is like cold, it is very contagious. When
someone is depressed, the person sees the entire world, not you exclusive through
shady eyeglasses.
it is contagious, you might easily adopt your partner’s view on how the
relationship should sail and you both will go under emotionally in no time.
6. Your
partner is always the right one.
is a problem when your partner is always right. It simply means there is no room
for mistakes.
okay to be right and have faith in your partner as long as they don’t need
being right all the time. They should allow you speak your mind or have your
say and work with your opinion when needed.
to accept correction could lead to depression in the receiver.
7. Your
partner is bad-tempered.
is associated with negative energy flow from its source. It spreads like
wildfire and could also be contagious.
can induce depression in the receiver and can also be used to intentionally control
a partner.
Anger is worrying and distasteful to on-lookers and the toxicity is even more for
direct receiver.
8. Your partner doesn’t help with house chaos.
of the things that cause depression may seem insignificant to you but they are
deal breakers to some other persons.
partner who is actively present in the home is more preferred than one who isn’t.
It’s cool for partners to be actively involved in the day to day running of the
partner who does nothing in the house could be passively provocative.
9. It’s always my way.
an ideal situation, both parties must agree on every decision. Be it what to
eat, where to spend the evening etc. You will feel useless or dominated when
your partner doesn’t take your opinion seriously or completely disregard
whatever your thoughts are.
10. Abusive partner.
urge to hurt someone is the direct opposite of the urge to love, nurture and be
can be expressed emotionally in a partner’s controlling attitude, verbally or
physically by throwing things or hitting and can result to depression in the
if you don’t want your relationship to make you depressed, then attention must
be given to the signs above and anyone noticed, discuss them with your partner
and be careful when you do.
is possible your partner feel depressed too or fight back in some cases;
ensure to use your best means of communication to agree on new rules or
boundaries for being together. Set rules or boundaries that replace darkness
with light for healthier relationship.
Early Signs Of Depression Caused By Your Relationship
Reviewed by Juilal

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