You are in charge of how you react to events around you. From your siblings - your colleagues at work, from your parents - your spouse and the list is endless.

It is
therefore important to stay happy and focus your strength on important things
and people in your life and it is your call who stays in your life.
Not all toxic relationships started toxic. It is very possible
the relationship was healthy and very productive but along the line it became
toxic. You might be in a toxic relationship unknowingly.
What is Toxic Relationship?
A toxic relationship is any relationship that is not favorable
to you or others. The bases of any relationship, be it a healthy one or not, are
most generally established upon common admiration, respect and love but can
become unhealthy.
There is a vast
difference between a bad relationship and a toxic one. It is the venomous environment
that distinguishes them. Toxic relationship out rightly prevents productivity in
the life of its victim.
Inability to
communicate properly with your spouse can lead to a toxic relationship with
time. Healthy boundaries are necessary to prevent your relationship from becoming
a toxic one.
Just like narcissist, unhealthy individuals (mind sick) can target
and prey upon others for their own personal gains. It is a imbalanced desire
for a relationship. The unhealthy one is seeking to emotionally and
psychologically drain others. They pretend to truly love their prey until they
start acting out for their own interest. These individuals could be amazingly
charming and know how to maneuver their way into any relationship that they
perceive as beneficial.
Note that most individuals who are toxic are not aware of their
own toxic nature. They live in their own world. They care more of themselves
and do not care about the interest of others including their second half.
More on toxic relationships
1. Toxic relationships
lack the expression of approval or emotional support because of the break in
2. Toxic relationships are imbalanced, unfavorable, and unaware. It is completely one-sided
3. Toxic relationships are characterized as lacking any honest, ethical, or positive principles
Toxic relationships could lead to domestic violence
The harm of toxic relationships is that they are not only unpleasant to be
around, but are also poisonous, leading to an emotional, psychological, and
possibly physical death
relationships makes its victim leave in constant fear
When a toxic relationship becomes poisonous, it is attacking every aspect of the persons involved
Toxic relationships can be hazardous leading to anxiety and probably purposeful
harm of self and others
personality types are habitually mischievous
must be mindful who you let into your life.
The Negative Effect Of A Toxic Relationship
Reviewed by Juilal

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