Healthy relationship is built on strong communication channels. Proper communication is a two way thing. Arguments are part of communication but arguments should not lead to conflicts. Conflicts from research always lead to unhealthy relationships.

Disagreements will always come up in relationships but your
attitude for the best out of it is paramount. People always say let us agree to
disagree. This is falsehood. Agreement and disagreement are two direct opposite
of each other. The fact remains we are all from varying background with
numerous experiences and ideology.
To agree to disagree is not good enough for healthy
relationship. Relationship has to do with great flow of emotions remember? Now to
agree over an issue this moment and then say oh I changed my mind on it will
result to a great challenge over time in your relationship.
You simply contradict your stand on issues when you agree
and later disagree and this kind of behavior or attitude will send a negative signal
to your spouse / partner. Your partner begins to doubt your judgments and I am
sure you won’t like that.
Disagreeing could be perceived
as disrespectful. It could also be seen as unworthiness or mistrust especially if you do not make your stand known on an issue immediately it is
discussed and repeatedly done.
I also know the facts remains you cannot always agree with
your spouse on everything: sure that is correct. The point here is that when
discussing on any matter, be it a serious one or not, always make your stand
known immediately. If need more time to digest what is been discussed, it is
better you state it right there that you need some more time to process whatever
information you have been given. This is mutual understanding and to some
extent it doesn’t come by easily.
Agree to disagree has put an end to many relationships that
looks unbreakable from the outside.
Don’t agree on changing the school of your kids several
weeks before resumption for various reasons only for you to come home one
evening when school is about to resume and start telling your spouse and the
kids you can’t afford the new fees. Knowing fully well you do not have enough
resources to see through the changes.
This is bad and could lead to trauma in the kids if not
properly handled. Once an issue has been discussed and concluded at home, kids
spread the good news fast.
Now tell me, how you think your kids will feel telling their
friends ‘hey we won’t change our school anymore, dad said he can’t afford it’.
As a parent you ought to have done your homework by
estimating the cost of changing your kids’ school. Making the announcement and
latter reversing it could make your kids doubt anything you say about the
If you agree with your partner on certain issues only for
you to wake up the next day and say something different, he or she will be like
‘where was your mind when we had this discussion’
You agree to spend some time with the family by helping with
stuff around the house on Saturday and by Saturday morning you say hey guys I can’t
help today, need to watch some soccer. This is disappointing. Your spouse will
doubt every single thing you say henceforth.
If you want a lasting healthy relationship, you will not
agree on issues without putting to consideration the outcome of it or what will
happen if you do the opposite of what was agreed on or how it will affect your
finances etc.
It is healthy to disagree only if what is been decided on
will have negative impact on your relationship.
Be mindful of what you agree on because reversing it could
put your healthy relationship in great danger.
You could be seen or perceived as chameleon or hypocrite because
you are not straight forward. You are like the wave in an ocean, not stable and
nobody knows its next turn.
Picture: Pixabay
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With Love
Agree To Disagree Not Good Enough For Healthy Relationship
Reviewed by Juilal

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