It’s one thing to be loved, it’s another to love. Our feelings most of the time is a reflection of our inner thoughts and minds which cannot be understood except expressed in one form or the other and this gives birth to various types of emotions.

Emotions are strong ways of expressing our inner thoughts. These thought could
be the way we feel about somebody (for your siblings, the love of your life
etc.), these expressions are almost certainly beyond our control except
conscious effort is put in place, that control is possible.
For example, when you start having some thought about a friend (opposite sex) either consciously or not you start calling or texting the person more frequent than ever just to say Hi. These continuous expressions of positive emotions like these leads to increase in affection and love.
For example, when you start having some thought about a friend (opposite sex) either consciously or not you start calling or texting the person more frequent than ever just to say Hi. These continuous expressions of positive emotions like these leads to increase in affection and love.
It is so
obvious that there are Positive and Negative Emotions that are expressed daily
by each individual.

Our emotions
each day is greatly influenced by our activities, the type of encounter we had
and so on. It means that our emotions at specific time define our current state
of mind at that time.
There is a feeling of a new car bought, there is a feeling of being a graduate, there is a feeling of a new born baby in the family, there is a feeling of being in love for the very first time, there is a feeling of being accepted by your pear group and there is also a feeling of losing a loved one. All of these are somewhat expressed by our emotions.
Note that both positive and negative emotions are feed-backs of something experienced.
could be misinterpreted as attitude.
investigations, certain consistency in once emotion could signify that it was
passed down from either of the parents or grandparents.
investigation also, children from homes where love is well expressed and not
unnecessary pampering of the child, tend to easily love others.
What Are
If you
careful read the above, you could define emotions in various ways. There is no
particular definition for this powerful tool.
emotions are sensation originating from ones environments, temperament, or
relationships with others, (feed-backs).
It is the
feedback sent from our brain which is mostly expressed in our faces and
Here is a list of the various type of emotions expressed ether facially or by our composure:
or Bliss which Is feeling happy
or Astonishment which is unpreparedness for something
which is the feeling of being afraid
or Repulsion which is the feeling of something isn’t right
which is the feeling of being angry
which is the feeling of being sad
which is the feeling of being accepted
which is the feeling of being expecting or positively looking forward to
I will draw your attention to our surrounding. This factor as
related to emotions has been ignored for too long. Our environment /
surrounding plays a great roll in influencing our emotions daily. Noisy surrounding has its own emotional impact so also is a calm and serene surrounding.

Another aspect that has been ignored is our work place
design. Our work place design should be done with certain considerations as it
affects our health and state of mind. Right state of the mind will yield better
output and keep the staff in good shape. Employers should design work place /
stations with tools that will improve the emotional level of the employee
positively. If the work place is not well lightened, it should be, so staffs don’t
scramble on themselves.
There are people who return from work daily and feel the
world is crumbling on them everyday. This could be as a result of a poorly
designed workplace and this is not good emotionally.
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with love.
with love.
Emotions- Ways Of Expressing Our Inner Thoughts
Reviewed by Juilal