How well are you enjoying your relationship? Are you wondering if your relationship is sinking gradually? A healthy relationship is one with well-defined means of proper communication.

I have written on
relationship problems and best solutions which communication top the list. Good
relationship must exhibit certain features like respect, quality communication,
trust and honesty. Partners must respect each other privacy and should also be
able to make their own decisions without fear of reprisal.
Here is a look at what a good relationship look like
1. Communicate
with no fear
Communicating with your partner with a little bit of fear is not
communication. You should be able to talk to your partner as a friend. Just the
way you express your thoughts and feelings to your friend, it should be same way
with your partner. You should not be afraid to let out what you think and how
you think it. If you feel you both communicate just about everything, then it
is a good sign it’s a good relationship.
2. Trust
Trust in a relationship is outright sign to know if your relationship is
healthy. Trust also mean to respect your partners boundaries and feelings in a
honest way. Many people think trusting your partner means trusting them not to
cheat only. If your partner trusts your opinion is a good sign too.
3. You feel good being with them
Do you feel loved and in love being around your partner? Do you feel
relaxed? Do you feel bad around your partner? How does your partner treat you. Does
your partner see you as a companion, a friend or a soul mate. Having a feel
good feeling around your partner is a good pointer of the health of your
relationship. This also give room for more intimacy.
4. Feel physically safe
Every good relationship must also feel safe. You don’t feel uneasy or
afraid when you are with your partner.
5. Encourages hangouts with friends
If your partner wants to isolate you from your friends is not healthy. A healthy relationship then will be one where partners don’t get jealous because you hangout with friends but encourages you to keep a healthy relationship with them.
Picture: Pixabay
With love
What Does a Good Relationship Look Like?
Reviewed by Juilal

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