Managing Loneliness in Elderly and Elderly Singles

It is almost not possible to combat loneliness in the elderly as discovered from observations. This in most case just happens or could it be as a result of globalization?

With increasing need for better greener pasture, children either consciously or not, drift away from their aging parents. Some assign caregivers to their parents and yet they still feel a void. It seems to be the place their children cannot be taken from their heart by someone else except the person is able to put his / herself in the place of a loving child.

loneliness in the young and old picture

The generational gap is getting wider by the day and bridging the gap proofs to be more difficult today than it was in time past when we have no choice than to spend the Christmas and new years’ holiday with our grandparents which is a better way of knowing them better and learning from their vast knowledge and experiences.

Years ago, grandparents where not that aged. Unlike now that lots of grandparents are in their 70s to 90s and most likely in health declination. This is worst in elderly singles. From observations, when an elderly person is bereaved, there is a great void of intimacy created by the demise of their loved one. Most elderly and elderly singles at this stage adjust to the reality of loneliness and get help or don’t and keep suffering from the pains which will make them age faster.

No age group feels the impact of loneliness than the elderly among us and this is not supposed to be especially in this fast moving generation where communication technology is at its peak.
Communication has been made very easy than it used to be when you will write a letter to your parents and wait for it to be delivered, read and replied.
All you need now is just a click on your computer or tap on your tablet or on your smart phone. But then, the world is lonelier than ever before, especially for the elderly. 

UCSF reports that lonely elders are more likely to decline and die faster than their counterparts.

The elderly should be attended to in terms of communication. They feel lonelier when they are cutoff from the outside world via break in communication which might lead to depression.
The more you communicate with them, the more they want to increase their social life.
What the elderly / elderly singles suffer most is social interaction. Sometimes nobody wants to talk with them or help them believing they will slow them down.
You have to be patient with the elderly.
Though, senior citizens experiencing loneliness behave in different ways that put people off, and make you don’t want to be around them.
You must be patient and come to a understanding that it is as a result of what they have been through and most of them do those things unconsciously.

Loneliness suffered by must elderly is as a result of negligence from family members. Caregivers are awesome people with great level of tolerance, patient and understanding. But there is no deep and intimate communication between them and their caregivers unlike with family members.

Ways of Helping the Elderly and Elderly Singles out of Loneliness

1- Bridging the Gap

 The difference between the elderly and their younger offspring is age (generational gap). Once this gap can be bridged, loneliness will not plague the elderly anymore. Ensure to bridge this gap. Caregivers should be from different age group for a balanced care-giving.

The elderly loves storytelling and so younger people should be available to listen as this will keep them active and prevent their minds from degenerating rapidly.
Their life experience could also help the younger age group.

2- Be Teachable

 Many people when caring for the elderly just want to get over with the assignment given to them. But that will not go far in helping them out of loneliness. Be open to the elderly even as a caregiver. They have great experiences they are willing to pass on only if there is someone willing to accept their teachings / lessons. Try to learn something new every day as you care for the elderly from their experiences.

3- Listening

 Listening is a skill. There are techniques for listening in your relationships. This includes any form or type of relationship you find yourself.
Many don’t like listening to the elderly when they talk. You feel you already know the end of what they will say from the beginning. You just might be wrong.
Encourage the elderly around you to talk and have a good listening ear as you could pick a life changing word from their never ending stories. Have your eye focused on them as this will encourage them to talk on and pour out their hearts. Also give a nod when necessary too. Contributing where you can is a great idea. Also endeavor to ask questions, they love this aspect.

4- Mind Set on Seclusion: 

Lots of elderly / elderly singles feel they have been left out from the society and therefore have no urge for any activity even their ‘former hobby’. As you care for the elderly, you must work on their mind set on seclusion by encouraging them to be engaged in social activities as it best suit their hobby.

Most a times, the responsibility of caring for the elderly in families are left for one person or caregiver. That is not good enough. We all must do our best in helping out and this can be achieved by frequent or regular calls or texting the elderly often. This could fend off anxiety in them.
Gifting is also a good idea.
Reaching out to the elderly with love makes them less lonely, happier and they live much more longer.

Picture: pixaby
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Managing Loneliness in Elderly and Elderly Singles Managing Loneliness in Elderly and Elderly Singles Reviewed by Juilal on 22:21 Rating: 5

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