Building emotional intimacy in your relationship has no particular way to go about it. It could start off from the least expected, simple or over looked day to day activity that means a lot without us knowing.

Read How To Build Emotional Intimacy In A New Relationship
One of such simple ways to build emotional intimacy is by showing your man/partner you’ve been dreaming about him all night long and start off his day right with these eye popping simple 65 good morning texts.
One of such simple ways to build emotional intimacy is by showing your man/partner you’ve been dreaming about him all night long and start off his day right with these eye popping simple 65 good morning texts.
something special waking up to a sweet and loving text notification from your significant
other. Their words put a smile on your face like nobody else can. Who doesn’t
like waking up to such notifications?
in our gene as humans to always want to feel loved, spoilt, and above all - adored.
So go ahead and let the man in your life know you’ve been thinking and dreaming
about him all night by welcoming him to a new day with some lovely, sweet and maybe
sexy good morning texts if it’s Friday.
Not only texts have such great power. Other forms like pictures, tags, voice mails, and even e-mails are all great ways to start off your partners’
day. The idea is increasing the bond between you two and making your
relationship grow healthier each day. If you’re in a relationship and you’re
doing nothing to increase the good memories, stronger bond, etc, your relationship
is surely at the brink.
note that these ideas are not only for couples who are already in a relationship,
but are also great building blocks for bonding with your crush or yet to be partner.
Here are 65 good morning
text ideas for your man.
ideas are not meant for morning persons only. So if your man isn’t a morning
person, these texts may just change his mind about getting up early. You just
can’t tell until you see the reaction on his face after going through your
1. Just to say good
morning to the love of my life.
2. I love waking up
with my baby. I hope you have an astonishing day!
3. Good morning,
baby, I hope you had a perfect sleep!
4. I miss you as soon as
the door closes each morning. Have a great day, honey.
5. If you’re a coffee
person, this is just for you - Were you a coffee bean in your past life? I
guess you were because I can’t start my day without you and your flavor stays
with me all day long!
6. Today has been declared a
national “happy morning” day. So, happy morning to my favorite person on earth!
7. If he leaves for
work quite early - Morning! How’s work boo?
Good morning macho – if he’s got some muscles.
If you cuddle a lot - Waking
up in your arms is like my own little slice of heaven.
Good morning, my love is just okay for a very busy man.
11. I’ve been thinking about
you all morning. Thought you should know.
12. It’s virtual hug and kisses
time – send him some. Men love what they see you know.
13. Waking you up with my
fingers all over your body.
14. Hope you’re having an
amazing morning handsome.
15. Waking you up with a song
is one of my favorites – good morning gentle soul.
16. Good morning! I’m very
proud of the man you’ve become over the years and of how hard you work for us. I
so much LOVE you, baby/daddy.
This is cute for yet to be couple: I can’t wait till the day when I’m waking up
next to you every morning.
With reference to #17, I can’t wait till the day when I’m waking up right
on you every morning.
19. I
can’t wait until the day when I’m waking up all wrapped in your arm.
20. Happy thoughts are the best
cures for a Monday morning phobia, and I’m always happy when I think about you.
21. Just a little good morning
note to say I love you!
22. Good morning handsome! I can’t
wait to rob those beards later. If that is one of his fun side.
23. There should never be a
morning where I don’t wake up right in your arms! Missed you this morning love.
24. You’re the first thing I
think about when I wake up each morning. I love you!
25. Good morning honey, hope
you’re having a great day and thinking of me.
26. ______ (name of your
country/neighborhood) has woken up because my baby just woke up!
27. Breaking news! (Give some
good space and then the following) - The hottest guy ever just woke up. You all
heard me!
28. My pillow is certainly jealous
because it knows I’d rather be sleeping on you!
29. Good morning to the one who
makes the sun brighter every day!
Good morning to the one who fills my day with joy and much happiness!
31. A simple good morning accompanied
with a photo of your beautiful and smiling face or with your dress.
32. Just wanted to say good morning,
and to let you know I’m very hungry right now. Can I have you?
If you’re in different locations - Good morning good-looking. I wish I was
there in your arms. If I was, what would you want me to do to you? Be ready for
some serious reply.
You’re the reason I wake up to every day. I hope you have a fantastic day love.
You make me insanely happy. Do you know? Good morning prince charming.
36. Wishing you a good morning,
incredible afternoon, and a better good night! Can’t wait to see you.
37. Good morning, good-looking.
38. Good morning handsome, did
you dream of me last night?
39. Hello sexy. Text me when
you’re about to shower so I’ll do mine over here.
40. Good morning, handsome -
attach a picture or video of you in bed. Men love imaginations.
41. Good morning, baby. How was
your shower? Did you think of me? Because thoughts of you flooded my heart
during mine.
42. Good morning, sexy.
43. I had the dirtiest dream
about you last night… OMG! It was so real.
44. Maybe he’s
returning from a trip - Good morning hero, I wish I woke up pressed up against you. But there’s
always tonight.
45. Good morning pumpkin, I can’t wait to see you
46. Hey sexy! Thought I’d send
you a good morning kiss to start your day on the right side. Do well by inserting
a picture of your lips.
47. I can’t stop thinking about
you! Thought I’d send you a little good morning note to say that.
48. Good morning, boyfriend!
49. The most handsome man on
the planet is finally awake. Here’s wishing you the most fun day ever. Good morning
50. Wish I was starting my
morning with you so I could wake you up properly.
51. Good morning to the world’s
greatest lover. We can test this someway!
52. Has anyone ever told you
that mornings are made for spooning naked? Well, now you know! Good morning and
it’s Saturday.
53. I wish I was there to kiss
you all over and give you the best morning has to offer.
54. Good morning, handsome. I
say we make like fabric softener and snuggle tonight! How’s it going at work?
55. Good morning, baby. Hope
you’re well-rested, because I’ve got big plans for you later tonight.
56. Come shower me dear. You can
attach a photo of you in a towel, or your shower.
57. Good morning! Here’s your
official wake up from angel! Today you will fall madly in love with ______
(your name). Oops, it’s late because you’re already madly in love with me!
58. Good morning! Here’s hoping
your day is as sunny as my smile will be when I see you tonight.
59. Hi! I can’t wait to see you later
and show you all the things I’ve learned while you were away.
Good morning, babe. Hope your coffee is as hot as I am.
61. Good morning, baby. Just
thought I’d send a little thank you for parading that nice body around.
62. Wish I was there making you
breakfast in bed… amongst other things.
63. Good morning, babe. Hope
your coffee is as hot as you are.
64. Feeling so lucky that you’re mine this morning.
Can’t wait to see you. Good morning sunshine.
65. Good morning to the sexiest
man ever!
Want to show your significant
other or crush that you truly care? Good morning texts for him are the best. They’re
sweet, sexy, and will without doubt keep you on his mind all day long. Thoughts
of you will keep refreshing
in his mind like the air he breaths.
65 Good Morning Texts To Leave Him Feeling Adored
Reviewed by Juilal

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