How To Flirt With Your Girlfriend: 16 Secrets To Make Her Fall For You Again

Flirting with a pretty girl you like can feel a little daunting. But here are 15 tips and tricks for how to flirt with your girlfriend and make her fall for you over again.


You think flirting should be done with other girls only right? We’ve all been there. You’ve got a massive crush on that hot girl in your class, your street or your next door neighbor and you really want to let her know that you like her – why not channel that volcanic energy and use it to flirt with your girl?

Note it’s not exactly cool to just go up to her and say it straight to her face right? You want to be able to subtly flirt with her and test the waters to see if you are getting a good signal back before you take the plunge and let her know how you really feel. Try this with your girlfriend and see your relationship rekindled.

NB: You can also apply these techniques on your crush.

Here are the 15 secrets that make all the difference

1. Give a nice smile.

Smiling at her is a great place to start, especially if you are feeling nervous since you the relationship is off the ground. Make sure when you catch her eye that you maintain eye contact and don’t be the first to look away. Give her a confident nice smile.

If she smiles back, then you can look away and then in a few minutes look at her and smile again. This will let her know you are interested in her like the very first time. She might ask – “is there a problem?”

At this point, she hasn’t got any idea of what’s up your sleeves. However, you can’t keep doing it all night long as it might freak her out. So be prepared to approach her if she gives you a welcome smile and start a conversation or just touch her.

Smiling is also important when you are actually talking or touching her too. It shows you are a friendly guy and it will make her feel more relaxed and sure by now know where you’re heading to.

2. Touch her subtly.

With reference to #1 and #3, another easy way to flirt with her is to touch her subtly. A brush of the hand or if you are sitting next to one another let your leg gently touch hers. If she’s turned on, she won’t move it away.

Since she’s your partner you can give her cuddles (the gentle one). Put your arm around her when you are talking to her and so on. Keep doing this if she doesn’t move away – the last thing you want to do is make her feel uncomfortable, and if she reciprocates, you know you’re a winner….

3. Use body language.
Ensure you pay attention to your own body language when you are talking to her. Don’t take this for granted else she’ll assume you aren’t taking the lead and won’t reciprocate is she isn’t ready…

Crossing your arms, looking at your feet and turning away from her and so on are all no no’s while fleeting. It’s a big turn off for any lady.

Be open and use lots of eye contact – hold her gaze! Use your body to flirt with her and let her know you are interested – move your head like you’re checking her out from head to toe and if she’s in, she’ll give you a goal getter smile. You can as well go naughty – lick your lips gently (this speaks for itself right?), etc.

4. Wear a nice perfume.
Don’t take this for granted too. The type of perfume you wear speaks volume. Don’t be too relaxed with your partner to the point of not trying to impress them with good sensual smell. It melts the heart like wildfire.

Go get a shower, put on something really nice and start flirting – you won’t do much work to get loads of response.

5. Make her laugh.

Humor is the number one thing that most women cite when asked what they are looking for in a man, so you have this beautiful lady with all your specifications standing right in front of you, are you going to stop flirting with her? If you don’t know how to flirt, you just have to learn it. If you can make her laugh she’ll instantly feel more relaxed in front of you and attracted to you if she isn’t already.

You don’t have to put too much pressure on yourself trying to make her laugh. Humor should be natural and easy and keep the conversation flowing, rather than flooding her with loads of rehearsed one-liners. STOP it! Just be yourself .  

6. Ask her questions.
With reference to #5, if you really want to know how to flirt with your partner and other girls, then you need to show that you are interested in her by asking her lots of questions.

Your partner will appreciate you taking the time and making the effort to get to know her better. Make sure you pay attention to her answers, and then remember to ask her related questions the next time you meet if she’s your crush – that will show you have been listening and weren’t just going through the moments.

7. Let her make use of your clothes – it’s fun and will sure look great on her.

She’ll love wearing that big cozy jumper of yours, so always offer it to her if it’s cold. Make sure it smells you too, she’ll probably want to keep hold of it so she can cuddle up to it in bed when you’re apart.

8. Compliment her the right time.

Compliments are always one of the best tips for how to flirt with girls, so make sure you let her know that you think she is attractive. Your partner sure needs this. If you don’t want to be too forward, something simple such as ‘you look nice today’ or ‘I really like your shoes’ will let her know you find her attractive without saying something that might put her off.

Make sure your compliments are sweet and thoughtful. Complimenting her on intimate parts of her body or being sleazy will have the opposite effect for what you are trying to achieve if she is not yet your significant other. So choose your words carefully.

9. Tease her.
When last did you tease your partner? Gently teasing a girl is a great way to start flirting with her. Remember those days when you pull the pigtails of the girl you had a crush on? So by mocking her gently, you are actually letting her know that you find her very attractive. 

Strange but true! There’re more suggestive ways to tease your significant other that they’ll feel so loved and cherished that they’ll go any length for your happiness.

10. Be nice to her friends – they’ll support you.
Try as much as possible to make time for her friends. If she can see that you are making an effort with her friends, it will signal to her that you still really love her and are willing to put the time in. If she is on the fence about you, she’ll ask her friends for advice so it’s a really good idea to have them on your side at all times if she’s still your crush and if you’re already on the move with the relationship, her friends could be handy. So you also need to be their friend.

11. Do her a favor.
Flirting comes in many shades and an act of kindness/doing her favor shows that you are into her and are willing to do things for her to win her affections and if you are in a relationship already, you need to go out of your way to do her favors to reaffirm your love for her.

12. Get to know her family.
Getting to know her family is another way of showing that you’re interested in her and are willing to put time and effort into finding out about her – your crush.
You need to stay connected with her family if you’re already dating – this means you really care about her and her family. This will make her feel more comfortable in the relationship.

13. Text her.
Text conversations are a great way to get your flirting game on. Not just with your crush, but your significant other. For shy guys, this is the best way to start talking. They prefer this means of communication over a face to face conversation.

Send her a flirty, funny text, and if she responds in kind, you can step up the flirting and it might lead to a date night.

14. Buy her a drink.

If you want to keep things cool and casual, simply start a conversation with her by asking her if she’d like a drink and take it from there.

15. Gift her.
Note: Don’t buy her something too expensive early on as this might scare her off. A cute and yet thoughtful gift can be a great tip for how to flirt with a girl/partner.

16. Be interested in her interests.
Get to know what she loves to do in her free time, her hobbies, interests, and what she’s passionate about. We are always passionate about something and if you don’t ask, you won’t know. Then you’ll not only have loads to talk about, but she’ll feel you have lots in common and you’re interested in her interest/progress

Picture: Pexels
How To Flirt With Your Girlfriend: 16 Secrets To Make Her Fall For You Again How To Flirt With Your Girlfriend: 16 Secrets To Make Her Fall For You Again Reviewed by Civian on 12:47 Rating: 5

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